
  • Strict silence and discipline to be maintained in the Library.
  • Talking or group discussion is not permitted in the Library.
  • Use the library books and furniture very carefully.
  • Eatables, Audio-Visual device, Mobile phones, and other equipments & their use is strictly prohibited.
  • Every student entering in the library premises should have the college identity card.
  • If a student so found without the Identity Card, no library facility for that day will be available to him/her.
  • If any reference is required, student should approach the Librarian.

Circulation Counter Instructions

  • The holder of the membership card is responsible for the books borrowed by him/her.
  • Students can borrow two books for reference purpose against college identity card at a time from the Library. The reference books cannot be taken out of Library premises. These reference books must be returned to the library before the close of the library on the same day.
  • No books will be reissued without presenting them physically.
  • Borrowers may check the books while getting them issued.
  • Current periodicals and rare books are to be used in the Library and will not to be issued for external use.
  • If mutilated or lost, the borrower will have to replace the book with a new copy or pay the amount of the current price along with the over due charges if any.
  • If the membership cards are lost, the Librarian should be informed immediately. In genuine cases a duplicate set may be issued on payment of Rs.10/-. And for that an application should be made to the Principal.
  • The Computer terminal/s (OPAC) provided for students to search and requisition of books shall be used with atmost care.
  • While taking NOC from library, students are required to submit their library cards to the Circulation counter.

Reference Section Instructions

  • Use this section for browsing reference books, data sheets, journals & magazines only.
  • Reference books are only for random reading & not to be issued out.


  • Students found responsible for any damage caused to the library property will be required to replace the material or pay the price of the property, beside the penalty imposed upon them by the authority.
  • Student found using mobile phone in library premises, will have their phones confiscated by the library staff & submitted to the admin office for further action.
  • If the student is found without an Identity Card, no library facility for that day will be available to him/her.
  • If Reference book is not returned on the same day fine of Rs.50/- per day per book will be charged.

Book Bank Facilities for SC/ST Scholarship Students

  • Book Bank Facility will be available for SC/ST Scholarship Student with free of cost.
  • The student can keep the books with them for the entire semester.
  • Borrower shall be responsible for any damage or loss caused to the books and shall be required to replace the same or latest edition of the same books or the entire cost of the books will be deducted from his/her deposit.


Category of Membership No. of Books Period of Loan
Students 02 15 Days
Teaching Staff 07 Six Months
Non Teaching Staff 03 Three Months

Circulation Rules:

  • General books are issued to all eligible members as per their entitlements.
  • Reference books, bound volumes, and are not issued outside the library.
  • The readers should check the book thoroughly for missing pages, chapters, pictures etc., while borrowing the book.
  • No book in damaged condition will be accepted from the reader. Spoiled books will have to be replaced by the borrower.
  • Books issued will not be accepted back on the same day.
  • Reader can claim books (reserve) already issued, at the circulation counter.
  • Loss of book must be reported immediately. Late fees, if any, will be charged till the loss of book is reported. If the original library book is returned after reporting it lost, the fine will be calculated till the date of its return.
  • For the rules for replacement of lost book kindly contact the Circulation Section.
  • Books are reissued only if there are no claims.
  • The borrowing facility can be withdrawn or restricted in case of misbehavior or misuse of the library.

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  • Tel: +9122 20847226; 20847228; 20847229
  • Fax: +9122 24038717
  • Email:
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