Dr. Rais Allauddin Mulla

Associate Professor and Head of the

Department : Computer Engineering


Data Warehousing and Mining

Database management system

Distributed databases

Mobile Computing

Structure Programming Approach (c)

Computer Network

Software Engineering

Distributed Computing


Data Science and Machine Learning



Ph.D Computer Engineering in 2022 from RIMT University Punjab.

M.Tech. Computer Science and Technology in 2014 from Shivaji University Kolhapur

B.E. Information Technology from Shivaji University Kolhapur

Patent publications

Published a patent “Pothole Detection and Filling Plastic Waste”

Published a Patent on Process and Method of Algorithm for Real Time Financial Signal Representation and Trading using Neural Network

Published a Patent on Process and Method of Scalable Framework for Finding Competitors from Large Unstructured E-commerce Data

Paper publications

R. A. Mulla, S. Saini, P. S. Mane, B. W. Balkhande, M. E. Pawar, and K. A. Deshmukh, “A Novel Hybrid Approach for Stock Market Index Forecasting using CNN-LSTM Fusion Model”, Int J Intell Syst Appl Eng, vol. 12, no. 12s, pp. 266–279, Jan. 2024.

Rais Allauddin Mulla, M. Eknath Pawar, S. S. Banait, S. N. Ajani, M. Pravin Borawake, and S.Hundekari, “Design and Implementation of Deep Learning Method for Disease Identification in Plant Leaf”, IJRITCC, vol. 11, no. 2s, pp. 278–285, Mar. 2023.

R. A. Mulla, Y. Mali, V. U. Rathod, R. S. Tambe, R. Shirbhate and R. Agnihotri, "Enhancing Query Performance Using Simultaneous Execution and Vertical Query Splitting," 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Delhi, India, 2023, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICCCNT56998.2023.10307920.

Ajani, S.N., Mulla Rais Allauddin., Limkar, S. et al. “DLMBHCO: design of an augmented bioinspired deep learning-based multidomain body parameter analysis via heterogeneous correlative body organ analysis.” Soft Comput (2023).

Shivadekar, S., Kataria, B., Limkar, S . Kishor S.Wagh, Santosh Lavate & Rais Allauddin Mulla “Design of an efficient multimodal engine for preemption and post-treatment recommendations for skin diseases via a deep learning-based hybrid bioinspired process.” Soft Comput (2023).

M. E. Pawar, R. A. Mulla, S. H. Kulkarni, S. Shikalgar, H. B. Jethva, and G. A. Patel, “A Novel Hybrid AI Federated ML/DL Models for Classification of Soil Components”, IJRITCC, vol. 10, no. 1s, pp. 190–199, Dec. 2022.

Mulla, R.A., Saini, S. (2022). An Improved Stock Market Index Prediction System Based on LSTM. In: Pundir, A.K.S., Yadav, N., Sharma, H., Das, S. (eds) Recent Trends in Communication and Intelligent Systems. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. Springer, Singapore.

R. Allauddin Mulla, M. E. Pawar, B. Balkhande, V. N. Alone, V. N. Nandgaonkar, and N. Ranjan, “Efficient Microarray Gene Expression Data Sample Classification using Statistical Class Prediction Method”, Int J Intell Syst Appl Eng, vol. 11, no. 10s, pp. 691–700, Aug. 2023.

Pashte Rupali D., Rais Mulla, Mahendra Pawar. "Blur Detection in Video Stream using Filtering Algorithm." International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) 5.1 (2017): 296-299.

Rais Allauddin Mulla, Satish Saini, “Machine Learning Based Framework For Making Adaptive Stock Market Index Prediction System”, Editorial, vol. 53, no. 12, pp. 243–263, Dec. 2021.

Rais Allauddin Mulla, Satish Saini, “Survey on Real Time Financial Signal Representation and Trading Using Recurrent Neural Network", Test Engineering and Management, vol. 82, pp. 11706-11713, Jan-Feb 2020

Kudekar, Vedica and Kognule, Mithesh and Mohite, Shubham and Brahmane, Siddesh and Alone, Vinod and Mulla, Rais, Electrical Vehicle Booking System (December 24, 2022).

Mulla, Rais and Bharambe, Dinesh and Gupta, Swastik and Bohra, Khemraj and Tiwari, Preeta, Visualizing and Forecasting Stocks Using Dash (December 13, 2022).