Mrs. Mariya Daimi
Assistant Professor at Vasantdada Patil Pratishthan’s College of Engineering & Visual Arts

- Department :
- Institute :
Vasantdada Patil Pratisthan’s College of Engineering & Visual Arts
- Location :
Sion - Mumbai
- Email Address :
She works as an Assistant professor of Mathematics in the Department of Humanities & Basic Science. She has contributed herself in the teaching profession for the last 6 months in this institute. As an Assistant Professor, her primary goal is to foster an engaging and inclusive learning environment where students feel empowered to think critically, question assumptions, and push the boundaries of knowledge. She firmly believes in the power of collaboration and the importance of multidisciplinary approaches, and aim to encourage students to explore the intersections between various fields. Beyond the classroom, she is dedicated to contributing to the body of knowledge through her ongoing research endeavors. Her research interests lie in pure mathematics and fluid dynamics. She looks forward to collaborating with colleagues and students on meaningful research projects that address pertinent challenges and contribute to the advancement of our field.
Lastly, she is here not only as an educator but also as a mentor and guide. She is committed to supporting and guiding her students throughout their academic journey, offering guidance, advice, and assistance whenever needed. She firmly believes in the value of mentorship and the transformative impact it can have on students’ lives.
She has taught Mathematics to first and second year students.
- Sc. in Mathematics from University of Pune.
- Sc. from Shivaji College, Udgir.
- NET qualified with AIR 84.
- GATE qualified.
- Vasantdada Patil Pratishthan’s College of Engineering & Visual Arts, Assistant Professor (present).
- 04 Years of experience of previous institute.
- Mathematics-I
- Mathematics-II
- Mathematics-III
- Mathematics-IV
- Fluid Dynamics.
- Pure Mathematics.
- NET with AIR 84.
- FDP on Outcome Base Education.
- FDP on Application of mathematics in Applied science and Engineering.
- FDP on Differential equation and its application.\
- FDP on Mathematics behind AI/ML.
Research Papers
- Research paper titled Micropolar fluid with concentration in a vertical channel, published in Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications Journal (Scopus Journal).
- Research paper titled Micropolar fluid between porous vertical channel with boundary conditions of third kindpublished in Industrial Engineering Journal (UGC-CARE List Journal).
- Research paper titled Analytical study of mixed convective flow and heat transfer in vertical channel filled with immiscible viscous fluids published in Ratio Mathematica Journal ISSN:1592-7415 (UGC-CARE List Journal).