Principal’s Words

Dr. Alam N. Shaikh
The new frontiers of engineering have a significant impact on engineering education. It is important to examine and debate the future directions of engineering education. To my mind an educational institute is not just about bricks, mortar and concrete, but about building a character, enriching minds and about enriching experiences that last a lifetime. Life is not a set of instructions but a series of experiences and learning processes. Engineering is not an exception. This is where “Vasantdada Patil Pratishthan’s College of Engineering (VPPCOE)” steps in, to make a difference and where learning is not just a series of instructions but a passion which goes beyond books, beyond instructions, beyond learning horizons.
As a Principal, I search for opportunities every now and then to challenge and inspire our stakeholders, students and staff, to contribute to the rich heritage of institute. I encourage their participation in as many ways as possible. Everyone has special talents and gifts to share with others. As hard as our work often is, I have never seen anyone as happy and satisfied as when they are sharing their knowledge and expertise with our students. The institute is also engaged in supporting the students to refine the necessary skills, attitudes and the aptitude towards the corporate placement process in the campus by way of periodical competitive tests and group interaction exercises. As part of co curricular and extracurricular activities we conduct national and intercollegiate level seminars and workshops; encourage students to participate in technical paper presentation contests; organize lectures by experts from leading industries, conduct University sports meets etc.
Our ambition is to create an institute that meets/exceeds student’s educational, social and physical needs. Students, teachers, parents, and society are stakeholders in this effort. One of our aims is to provide the opportunity to all of our students to develop the knowledge and skills that will enable them to take their place in the world of work and higher education. Our combination of innovative use of creative curriculum structures over and above syllabus and materials means that our students are taking part in the creation of the future of learning.
I extend my best wishes to all our stakeholders and well wishers!