Dr. Pradip Suresh Mane.

Associate Professor and Head of the department

Department: Information Technology


Data Warehousing and Mining

Database management system

Distributed databases

Mobile Computing

Software Engineering

Distributed Computing

Data Science

Web Mining

Big Data analytics

Internet Programming


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Database



Ph.D Computer Engineering in 2020 from PAHER University Udaipur, Rajsthan.

M.E. Information Technology in 2015 from Mumbai University.

B.E. Computer Engineering in 2010 from Mumbai University.

Additional Certification :

NPTEL course for Python for data science with Elite Certificate.

NPTEL course for Machine Learning.

Spoken tutorial exam for Python3.4.3 with 85%.

NPTEL course for Python for data science with Elite Certificate.

Achievements :

Received Prof. Y. K. Bhushan, “Most Influential Professor Award” on 7th July 2022.

Received Mumbai Bhushan Purskar 2022, “Best Associate Professor” on 26th November 2022.

Book Publication :

Database Management system (DBMS) for Second Year Semester 3 Degree course in Information Technology (MU).

Patent publications and Copyrights

Predicting Overall Customer Satisfaction for an Effective Product Opinion Analysis on E-commerce Websites, on 10 February 2023.

Australian Government (IP Australia) granted innovation patent, titled “Artificial Intelligence based Computational Model for Saptial-Temporal and Emotional Reasoning of Humanoid Robots”, on 23 June 2021.

Copyright granted by Indian Government titled “Summarization of Video using NLP technique” on August 2021.

Paper publications

Sr. No.
Paper Title
Journal/ Conference Name
Published Month & Year
Intelligent crop recommendation system using Machine Learning algorithms
12th International Advanced Computing Conference (IACC-2022)
16th-17th December 2022.
Deep Learning based model for Brain tumor detection and segmentation using BRATS dataset.
International Conference on Recent Trends in Machine Learning and Image Processing (MLIP-2022)
12th November 2022
Image Enhancement for Surveillance Videos using Quick Browsing system
7th International Conference on Innovations and Research in Technology & Engineering (ICIRTE 2022)
8th & 9th April 2022
Implementation of Linear regression-based trend analysis model using Hadoop
International Conference on Data, Engineering and Analysis (IDEA 2K21)
08th -09th October 2021
Summarization of Video using NLP Techniques
International Conference on Convergence of Smart Technologies (IC2ST-2021)
09th -10th January 2021
Recommendation of Web page for improvement in WUM
4th International Conference (Online) On “Recent Trends Research in Engineering & Science (ICRTRES-20)
2nd and 3rd May 2020
Web Page Recommendation using Random Forest with Fire Fly Algorithm in Web Mining
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
February 2020
Survey on Prediction of Weblogs for improving the performance in Web Usage Mining
International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis (IJAEMA)
December 2019
Prediction of Weblogs for Improving the Performance in Web Usage Mining using PSOSVM
4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS-2019)
13th December 2019
Power Efficient Location Based Services on Smart Phones
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
October 2013
Analysis of Bus Tracking System Using GPS on Smart Phones
International organization of scientific research
Mar-Apr. 2014