For Academic Year (2023-24)
VPPCOE students are placed with Highest Package at top companies.
Training and Placement Department
The training and placement department provides placement and recruitment related services to students through campus interviews. Many multinational and well-known Indian conglomerates regularly visit Vasantdada Patil Prathisthan’s College of Engineering and Visual Arts (VPPCOE&VA) for campus placement and recruitment every year. The office of the Training and Placement Officer is housed in the A Wing, at room number 215. The VPPCOE&VA has well established facilities for conducting the placement activities:
- Written tests,
- Online tests,
- Group discussions,
- Interviews and
- Other activities related to training and placement department
Training and Placement Department motivates and prepares the students for the interviews and for the prospective workplaces. Careful and systematic preparation is initiated and sustained for this purpose. The placement department has a faculty and student placement committee which takes and puts focused and continuous efforts for Training and Placement Department under the able guidance of Training and Placement Officer, Swapnil Desai.
This has resulted in all eligible students getting placed in every single academic year. Many students also fetch multiple placements. The close rapport developed by the T&P Department, Vasantdada Patil Pratishthan’s College of Engineering and Visual Arts with various industries has helped the students’ community in securing gainful employment. The track record of companies visited for campus placement in recent years is overwhelming and more than 180+ companies visited VPPCOE&VA for campus interviews and placements in the last placement season 2022-23. Sustained efforts under the leadership of the head of the institute and the training and placement officer has yielded in securing jobs and worthy careers by the aspiring engineers of VPPCOE&VA.
Our Team

Training and Placement Officer
At the outset, I, Swapnil Desai, Head, T&P Department, would like to welcome our prospective recruiters to our campus, Vasantdada Patil Pratishthan’s College of Engineering & Visual Arts (VPPCOE&VA), Mumbai. It is my privilege to mention that this institute was established in the year 1991 and since then we are scaling new heights in the field of Engineering and Technology and over the years this institute has earned recognition all over the nation. The students of this institute are serving some big organizations at home and across the globe, bringing glory and pride to our institute. So, I appeal to all the concerned to come to our campus for Placement Drives and choose our highly competent engineers for your organizations. At VPPCOE&VA, we believe that engineers possess certain qualities like a strong analytical aptitude, giving an attention to detail, excellent communication skills, taking part in continuing education, creativity, show an ability to think creatively, is mathematically inclined, good problem-solving skills, a team player, and has excellent technical knowledge. And to prepare our students as industry ready, we arrange training for our students so that they develop all these qualities. We arrange trainings for improving communication skills, invite industry experts for technical talks and in house laboratory based short term technical programmes, and also trainings to improve their mathematical aptitude. It is also the vision and mission of the management and the principal that our students should contribute to society and to serve the cause of it. We also undertake Blood Donation Drives every year wherein students and staff members donate blood. The institute has earned fame not only for its excellent academic and extra-curricular activities but students are mentored to undertake research and development work. So, I would request you to kindly visit our campus for selecting candidates of your choice on any date convenient to both the sides. I sincerely hope once you visit, we will be able to take the association forward and this interaction will grow over the years to come. The campus is situated at a central place in Mumbai and has excellent connectivity by road and the local train network. Excited to host and welcome you!
Career Counsellor
Administrative Officer

( A.Y.2022-23 )
Our Vision
We, at Training & Placement cell of VPPCOE&VA, Are Committed to help every student of VPPCOE&VA become a productive and employable engineer


Prime Recruiters

Frequently Asked Questions
Career guidance responsibility is shared by all HODs, placement committee and various professional bodies. Seminars/workshops are arranged at departmental as well as at the institute level. The alumni also visit and interact with present students to mentor them on individual basis, and in informal manner. The Library is stocked with ample number of books on the subject.
Guidance on higher education is provided and this responsibility is shared by all HODs, placement committee and various professional bodies. Guiding sessions are conducted at departmental level by departmental faculties under the guidance of respective Head of Department. The proctors play a major role in individual counseling of students. At institute level, various professional bodies as well as the placement committee regularly organize seminars and workshops to spread awareness amongst the students about higher studies.
Every year the institute implements the concept of finishing school. Under the finishing school, training is carried out in two phases for around 100 hours and provided online practice tests for the students and this activity gives them better practice for mock, aptitude and interview skills for the placement purpose.
T&P sessions are planned in the time table for SE, TE and BE students and grooming sessions are conducted every week to prepare the students for placements.
In order to prepare students for the actual placement drives, we arrange the Company Specific Mock Drives with the help of already placed students (In that particular company). This makes the students’ preparation easy and improves the chances of them getting placed in that company. This way we also engage our alumni in the daily workings of the institute.
Language Lab with audio visual software is available to boost language skills of students who need the same. Class-teachers, Mentors, HODs and all other faculty members counsel and guide students continuously about their career, placements, training, requirements of industries worldwide, latest evolutionary technologies, about value added courses on online platforms and knowledge, etc.
Placements Connect
- Prof. Swapnil Desai
- Head, Training and Placement Department
- +91 22 20847226
Vasantdada Patil Pratishthan's College of Engineering
and Visual Arts
- Vasantdada Patil Educational Complex, Off Eastern Express Highway, Padmabhushan Vasantdada Patil Marg, Near Everard Nagar, Sion (East), Mumbai 400022.